When It’s Time for Driveway Replacement

While surface cracks can be repaired, if your driveway has wide, jagged cracks or is over 20 years old, replacing it makes more sense. Also, a driveway with frost heaves or soil settling often requires replacement.Driveway Replacement

There are several options for your new driveway, including gravel, pavers, asphalt, and concrete. For professional help, contact Driveway Replacement Colorado Springs.

In most cases, a crack that is a hairline wide or smaller can be repaired using a quick-setting cement mixture. The mixture can be purchased in no-mess cartridges for use with a caulking gun or in pourable bottles that are poured directly into the crack. Before applying the new material, clean the cracked surface of any weeds and grass growing in the area. Then, hose down the driveway to moisten it. This will help to make the old concrete and the new cement more adherent and prevent a bonding problem.

If the crack is wider than the hairline, first insert a foam backer rod into the crack. This will keep the sealant from leaking out of the crack when it freezes and thaws in the winter. Then apply the resurfacing concrete. After the resurfacing concrete is applied, use a magnesium float or trowel to smooth it and blend it with the existing surface. Finally, sweep up any loose debris or dirt and let the surface dry overnight.

Another problem that can occur with a concrete driveway is a separated control joint. This gap can allow rainwater to seep into the foundation of the garage and cause further damage. It can also fill with debris or even become a refuge for weeds and other unwanted plants.

Another option to repair a cracked driveway is slabjacking, which uses a high-pressure cement slurry to raise the sunken concrete. While not as affordable as a total removal and replacement, this process can restore a slab’s height and stability.

Poor Drainage

If your driveway doesn’t have proper drainage, it can quickly wear down and erode. Standing water can cause damage to the concrete and other materials in the driveway, wash away mulch and soil, and even reach the foundation of your home. It can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The good news is that there are several ways to improve your driveway’s drainage system, from the materials you use to the construction techniques. The most effective solution involves adding a drain and ensuring that your driveway is placed on the right slope for drainage.

First, observe your driveway during rainy weather to determine what the source of flooding is. Then, if possible, redirect or extend gutter downspouts and other drainage systems to terminate elsewhere on the property or into a dry well. You may also want to consider a drainage trench, such as a French drain, for more serious issues with your driveway. These are long, narrow drains with a metal grate that run the length of your driveway to capture and direct water. They’re typically installed at the end of a driveway, where it meets your garage, or near the base of a retaining wall.

Another drainage option is a channel drain, which is similar to a French drain but more economical for larger properties. It’s usually made of PVC and comes in a variety of lengths, from 100 feet to 400 feet. A contractor will dig a trench, lay and glue the pipe together, and then cover it with gravel to ensure that it stays clog-free.

You can also install swales, which are shallow depressions in your yard that are designed to collect and drain water. These are especially good for sloping areas where a driveway sits below the rest of the landscape. They can be constructed with PVC or earthenware pipe, as well as other materials like clay bricks and cinder blocks. A professional can help you determine the best type of swale for your property.

Poor curb appeal

Whether you’re considering selling your home in the near future or want to keep up property values in your neighborhood, the driveway and front walk set the tone for how well you care for the rest of the exterior. Bland curb appeal can turn off prospective buyers even before they step foot inside the house. Fortunately, making minor improvements to your driveway and front walk can add big bucks to your curb appeal while elevating the overall look of your house.

A rutty, spalled concrete driveway is an eyesore that instantly robs your home of its curb appeal. These divots collect water, dirt, oil, grass clippings, and other grime, leaving discoloration and an overall funkiness. Thankfully, fixing your spalled or pitted driveway is as simple as pressure washing the surface and then applying Quikrete Re-Cap Concrete Resurfacing to smooth out the drive and restore its curb appeal.

Shrubbery and flowers provide an easy way to add instant color and beauty to your driveway and front walkway landscape design. Choose a mixture of shrubs and bushes with different heights to add texture, variety, and depth to your landscape design. Keeping plants healthy and trimmed cuts down on maintenance time while providing instant curb appeal to your driveway and front yard.

If you’re looking for a more permanent upgrade, consider incorporating hardscaping into your driveway landscape design. Paving, retaining walls, and fences work with plantings to complement each other aesthetically while also serving functional roles, like separating the driveway from the rest of your front yard or creating a visual boundary between your home and the street.

Lighting is the final piece of your driveway and front walk’s curb appeal puzzle. Cleverly positioned lighting illuminates the length of your driveway and highlights other landscape features such as a flower bed or water feature, adding warmth and inviting appeal to your home.

Curb appeal is a personal preference, but there are universal qualities that define it. A pristine lawn, freshly painted doors and trim, and a well-maintained garden are all surefire ways to enhance your home’s aesthetic and boost its value. A beautiful and functional driveway is the icing on the cake, attracting and welcoming guests as they arrive at your doorstep.

Old Age

A driveway is a large surface that takes a lot of abuse from cars, trucks, trailers, and other vehicles passing over it. This constant traffic, combined with weather damage over the years, can cause driveways to deteriorate and lose their beauty and strength.

Depending on the material and age of your driveway, you may be able to repair cracks, pits, or other damage to extend its lifespan. However, once a driveway begins to show serious signs of wear, it’s time to consider replacing it altogether.

The key is to look for the telltale signs that your driveway is nearing the end of its lifespan. For example, if the cracks in your driveway are more than a quarter-inch wide, repairing them will only be a band-aid solution, as they’ll quickly reopen and lead to further issues from water penetration and freezing and thawing.

Other signs that your driveway is ready for a replacement include an uneven surface, crumbling edges, and an overall lack of curb appeal. A new paving system can add a fresh, updated appearance to your property, making it more appealing for guests and potential buyers.

A new driveway also offers an opportunity to improve the drainage system, preventing future problems like flooding and erosion. While this can be costly, it will ultimately save you money in the long run.

Another benefit of replacing a driveway is that it’s an excellent way to add value to your home. A well-maintained, clean driveway is an attractive selling point for both residential and commercial properties.

A new driveway will also increase the overall safety and security of your property, reducing the risk of car accidents. Whether you’re looking for concrete or asphalt, a professional can help you choose the right type of paving material and install it correctly to ensure it lasts for years to come.